Name | Last modified | Size |
Parent Directory | - | |
Heft_EN_Web.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 1.0M |
Heft_DE_Web.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 1.0M |
Heft_EN_Print.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 2.2M |
Heft_DE_Print.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 2.2M |
Heft_EN.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 2.3M |
Heft_DE.pdf | 2022-09-29 22:06 | 2.3M |
Es gibt eine HTML-Version der Hefte unter Die Version soll noch verbessert werden, schau doch öfter mal vorbei.
Du hast Fehler gefunden oder einen Hinweis? Anmerkungen zum Inhalt oder Anmerkungen zum Heft kannst Du im Gitlab der TU Berlin machen. Falls Du keinen Zugriff auf das Gitlab hast, kannst Du auch die anderen Kontaktmöglichkeiten nutzen.
You can find an HTML version of the booklets under The HTML is still some kind of beta, so have a look from time to time.
Found an error? File an issue about the content or an issue about the booklet via the Gitlab of the TU Berlin. You can also use the contact in case you don't have access to the Gitlab.
There may be a slight translation backlog. We hope to catch up in the next days.
If you need help translating common names at the TU Berlin the English glossaries and guidelines may be useful finding the right translation.
There is also an index of all translated administrative documents by the Translation Services of TU Berlin and a list of convenience translations of the forms and notifications of decisions of the Examination Office.
There is a translated version of the Regulations Governing General Study and Examination Procedures (AllgStuPO), too. But remember: Only the German version is legally binding. There is also a short table of translated terms.