Every two years the members of the TU Berlin – including the whole student body – are invited to elect their representatives into the different boards of this university. The next elections take place from January 29th to January 31st 2019.
The very basic answer: (Almost) everything!
Almost everything a university consists of gets decided within these „mysterious“ boards – from the amount of tutors getting assigned to your faculty to the appointment of new professors; from compulsory elective subjects to the regulations governing general study and examination procedures; from quiet rooms for studying to opening hours of the libraries and IT-equipment.
The Academic Senate (AS) is the highest board within the academic self-administration of TU Berlin. Every single decision concerning the whole university is getting discussed there. Its tasks are especially:
In comparison to the AS the Exteded Academic Senate (EAS) only has a few but no less important tasks. It elects the president and the three vice presidents. The president is answerable towards the EAS. In addition to that the EAS enacts the university's charter which is something like a constitution for the TU Berlin.
We are your students initiatives & friends and are campaingning for years for a better climate on the campus. We are organizing introductory weeks for freshmans, providing advice during your course of studies and are providing Exam-Collections as well as Club Mate in the evening or at a campus party at the weekend. Our list consists of students of almost every faculty, seventeen different students initiatives and even more courses of studies.
meaningful evaluation of lectures, up-to-date technologies in the lecture halls and seminar rooms, up-to-date teaching methodologies, abolishment of unwarranted compulsory attendance
for having a space to work at all times
for all courses of studies
for a more gentle first semester
for all student workers #TVStud3 #TVLfuerStudis
(incl. ECTS) which can be accredited as compulsory elective subjects
for better lectures
no more queues in front of the examination offices or waiting week-long for an answer from the examination board
for all courses of studies, especially masters degrees
Rooting out expensive teaching and lecture-materials
Supporting ways to and from foreign countries
and self-organized learning and teaching
for easier exam preparation
within the academic self administration #Viertelparität #quarterparity
for getting along respectfully
Faculty | Room (Building) | Address |
I | MAR 0.001 (March-Building, EG) | Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin |
II | H 2037 (Old part of Main Building, 2nd floor) | Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin |
III | H 2036 (Old part of Main Building, 2nd floor) | Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin |
IV | MAR 0.001 (March-Building, EG) | Marchstraße 23, 10587 Berlin |
V | H 2036 (Old part of Main Building, 2nd floor) | Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin |
VI (29.1.) | TIB 13 B (Technologie- und Innovationspark, Auditorium A and B, 1st floor) |
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin |
VI (30./31.1.) | A Foyer (Architektur-Building, EG) | Straße des 17. Juni 152, 10623 Berlin |
VII | H 2035 (Old part of Main Building, 2nd floor) | Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin |
ZUV, UB, ZE | H 2036 (Old part of Main Building, 2nd floor) | Straße des 17. Juni 135 10623 Berlin |
You need to bring your Student ID Card as well as an official photo identification card (e.g. Passport, driving licence)
Download the election newspaper (in German)